We were always the centre of her attention
Much and more has been said about my aunty since she passed last week. How she was an
incredible lawyer and humanitarian. But to me she was just my aunty. She was kind, she
was funny, and she adored my sister and me. Whenever we were with her, in Sri Lanka,
England, Monaco or Canada we were always the centre of her attention. She was tireless
in her efforts as woman devoted to her career and as a loving aunty. An aunty who would
happily spend her time with her 6 year old nephew singing some childish song and at the
next minute be dealing with complex legal matters. I will miss her more than I can say.
Her warmth and her love has stayed with me all my life, and it breaks my heart that I will
never get to hear her laugh again. She’s now gone where none of the problems of the world
can hurt her. I hope that wherever she is she can rest.
Kapilan Nandakumar UK