How can I put into words
How can I put into words the profound and complex emotions that I feel. How can I sum
up a life so epic and grand.
I can only try by grasping the small seemingly insignificant moments thay fill my heart
with joy and my eyes with tears. Her warm greeting smile radiating from within whenever
she saw me. The way she threw her head back as she laughed, eyes creasing and watering. It
was a laugh that sounded like a cascade of windchimes. Embraces so warm and safe like the
inside of a cocoon whenever I needed comfort. Hands that were strong but so delicate and
gentle as she washed and combed my hair. A mind and demeanour so wise and solid like an
oak tree, that taught me so much about how to navigate through the world.
A heart bursting with kindness and compassion that showed me what to value the most in
life- love for others and leaving the world a better place than it was when you entered it.
There are many great things she has done for me and many others. Amazing trips, gifts
and experiences. But within all of these are those moments full of purity, nurturing and
joy that fill my lungs with air and flow through me like water.
Abbey Nandakumar UK